Organizational Transformation: How to Achieve Desired Results in Times of Uncertainty

Dr. Steven D. Carter
5 min readNov 27, 2020

“The greatest danger in times of uncertainty is not the uncertainty; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Peter Drucker

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

How does a CEO, a government agency, a for profit or non-profit organization know when it’s time for a change? The best way to look into future needs is to gain a sense of where the environment is moving. The first question you should ask, is your company or organization stagnating or simply maintaining the status quo? If the answer is yes (or you are unsure), focusing on organizational transformation could help your organization move forward and improve its chances of increasing capacity and capability. What is organizational transformation? Organizational Transformation is a strategic method of transitioning your organization from where you are now to where you will need to be in the future. Maintaining the status quo for long periods will not do your organization any favors, especially when it comes to a competitive, ambiguous, complex, or uncertain business environment. If you plan to take your organization where it needs to go to meet the future demands, you should consider making significant changes to your organization by incorporating innovations and new methods. Innovations can be anything from distributed working environments, web-based video meetings, virtual learning…



Dr. Steven D. Carter

Harvard Senior Executive Fellow; TEDx Speaker; Expertise in strategy, innovation, digital transformation; Adjunct Professor at UMGC & Morris Brown College.